Wire Transfers

Competitive and Convenient Currency Exchange

This is the secure and convenient way to pay suppliers in, and send or receive funds from, 135 countries worldwide. Take advantage of our competitive currency conversion rates and low-cost wire transfers all in one place.

How It works

Choose Your Currency

We can send wire transfers locally or overseas. So, come in with your local currency and tell us where across the globe you would like us to convert and send your wire transfer.

Provide Beneficiary Details

We do personal and business foreign currency exchange and wires. So, if you’re paying overseas suppliers or transferring funds to loved ones abroad, simply provide the beneficiary’s personal details and bank information for us to complete the transfer. Download form

Wire Transfer Complete

It’s that simple to make payments or transfer foreign currency overseas without the hassle. Come in to one of locations (we have more than 35 locations island-wide). Or, contact a Business Partner Agent and get set up to make wire transfer requests from your office.

Request a Wire Transfer

Convert funds and send it straight to your bank account with FX Trader. Make payment in the currencies of your suppliers and enjoy the best conversion rates on the market. Transfer money to family and friends abroad. Or, receive wires from overseas at attractive rates.

Why Wire Transfers at FX Trader?



Use our secure system to send money overseas or locally to any bank



Convert funds and we will wire it to any local or overseas bank



Enjoy a high level of privacy for you and your recipient with wire transfers

FAQs – Wire Transfers

Wire transfers are a value-added service to help improve our customer’s experiences with buying, selling, and transferring currency. It’s a simple process that can be done for both business or personal use. You can send to over 135 countries worldwide when you convert and wire funds overseas with us. Plus, you’ll enjoy better exchange rates and lower cost transfer fees at FX trader.

Yes, we can wire funds both locally and overseas for you. You can also send wires from overseas to us and get better conversion rates. Contact us to find out how.

There are fees. But, our fees are lower than most and our competitive exchange rates means you save on both aspects of the transaction – the currency exchange and the wire transfer.

No. Because we are a cambio, you have to complete a currency exchange for us to do a wire transfer on your behalf. So, you can come in with JMD and we’ll convert at our competitive rates and wire to your US destination.